Pisces zodiac sign
Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac. This feminine zodiac sign was traditionally ruled by Jupiter and, later on, Neptune. Pisces are known for their understanding, imaginative, modest, helpful, and sensitive characteristics.
The gemstones that match Pisces are aquamarine, amethyst, agate, turquoise, opal, rainbow moonstone, and fluorite.
Curious about the other zodiac signs? Read all about them on this page!
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Mai Kota
Mengu Drupp
Amelo Kota
Minna Wada
Muun Dia
Awi Drupp
Jilk Monae
Ambea Yela
Manima Lan
Otro Buzy
Moratu Buwan
Kata Haui
Lina Phasa
Mees Boet
Ami Mati
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