If you found yourself on this page, we have probably asked for permission to use your social media post – that you have most likely posted with a #wiezewasjes or @wiezewasjes tag. We spotted you and are over the moon with your post! That is why we would like to share it with the whole wide world! 🖤 So our question to you: may we use your content? Before you answer with the hashtag #yeswiezewasjes, we ask you to carefully read the information below. Any questions? Do not hesitate to ask!

By answering our question with the hashtag #yeswiezewasjes, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You provide Wiezewasjes B.V., having its registered office at Papestraat 9, in 's-Gravenhage, registered with the chamber of commerce under number 84192097 and hereafter referred to as ‘Wiezewasjes’, a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and worldwide licence to use the photo, visual, or another moving image (hereafter referred to as ‘User Content’) you have posted to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social media channel. With your consent, you allow us to use the before mentioned User Content for marketing- and/or advertising purposes.
  • From the moment you give us consent, we are allowed to use your User Content in any way, shape, or form to promote Wiezewasjes throughout various channels. E.g. Wiezewasjes.nl, Wiezewasjes.com, newsletters, e-mails, or social media.
  • You acknowledge our right to use, re-use, spread, and potentially edit your User Content.
  • There is no end date to this licence. Have you changed your mind regarding your consent to use your content? Feel free to contact us at info@wiezewasjes.nl. We love to help you out!

Obviously, the photo or video remains your property! The only thing you agree to by replying with #yeswiezewasjes is for us to (re)use your content.

You confirm and agree that…

… you own the User Content you posted and have consent from everyone visible in the photo or video.

… all persons in your User Content are 18-years-old or above.

… your User Content does not violate intellectual property-, privacy-, publicity rights or any other legal rights of a third party. If this is the case, we hold the right to reveal your username to the party claiming your User Content's illegitimacy.

… Wiezewasjes holds no control over the content users posts on their social media. Therefore, we distance ourselves from any other content posted to the account we have requested User Content from. This applies especially to images that are in any way, shape, or form harmful, unpleasant, insensitive, or horrific, and, therefore, might offend others. We hold no responsibility for written expressions, efforts, and other activities made by the account owner.

Realise we are allowed and able to delete User Content from our channels at any point in time, without the obligation to notify the owner.  


  • We will not pay you for the use of your User Content, nor for the intellectual property rights associated with this.
  • You will not hold Wiezewasjes, or anyone acting in name of Wiezewasjes, responsible for claims or demands regarding the use of your User Content.
  • Your User Content will be shared globally.
  • We will try our best to tag you and make sure our followers can find you as well. 🖤
  • Your personal details are collected and processed by Wiezewasjes, conforming to Wiezewasjes’ privacy policy. The most recent version of our privacy policy can be found here.
  • We retain the right to adjust the terms and conditions at all times, without the obligation to notify you of this.

Have you read everything carefully? Still thrilled? Yeeeey! In that case, please give us permission to use your content by using the hashtag #yeswiezewasjes and you might see your awesome content brightening up (one of) our channels very soon! 😍

This page was last edited on November 2nd, 2021.